"Partnering organizations focus on increasing the capacity of schools to ensure student success. By sharing each organization’s programs, opportunities, resources and information with schools, students will become aware of opportunities to serve as leaders within their communities and experience positive outcomes throughout their lives. This includes shared goals that all students will stay in school and graduate from high school, college and career ready. The partnership contributes to developing strong communities with a productive, civically active and well-educated workforce. The Common Ground website offers information supportive of schools, students and military families.
Support For Military Families

WVDE Common Ground

With milConnect, DoD affiliates and beneficiaries manage their benefits and records through a convenient self-service portal. Integrated applications give them secure access to many of their personal and personnel records held in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS). The milConnect FAQ provides the most up-to-date policies, procedures and resources for making the most of their entitlements and benefits.
Since milConnect's release in December 2008, the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) has continually improved and expanded its functions and scope, to make milConnect your go-to resource for managing your benefits and records.

Military One Source
Military OneSource is your connection to information, answers and support when MilLife happens. We can help you overcome challenges, reach your goals and thrive.

WVU Military Resources
Student Family Resources is proud to provide support for our students who are serving or have served in the military and are also parents. You may find of special interest our Meetup events (group for students who are parents to network with one another at family friendly events), Lending Library (we have resources specific to military families), and the Mountaineer Kids Club.
Links to each program can be found on the homepage of our website. We welcome suggestions from students connected to the military on how we can better serve students who are both parents and members of the military.