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Federal Program Documents & Parent Notices
Welcome to the portion of our district website where you will find information about the programs that operate in our district through the support of funding from our Federal Government.
Programs commonly known as ESEA, Title I, ESEA, Title II, ESEA, Title III and ESEA, Title VI and the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Act are all programs that operate under the Elementary and Secondary Schools Act, commonly known as ESEA.
Special education services for children and families of children with special learning needs operate under the regulations of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, commonly known as IDEA. Services through these programs are specific services and interventions made available only to identified children with special learning needs and implemented in the least restrictive learning environment possible.
Preparing, Recruiting, Training and Retaining High Quality Teachers and Principals - Title II, ESEA
Funding provided to Tyler County under Title II, Part D of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) is used in multiple ways at all schools and grade levels.
Title II, Part D funds are used to provide tutoring for students at Tyler Consolidated Middle School and Tyler Consolidated High School, assist in providing teachers who work as interventionists in our elementary and middle schools, professional development for teachers at all schools and tuition reimbursement for teaSpacechers at the middle school and high school who are furthering their knowledge and skills to be recognized as a highly qualified teacher.
Overcoming Poverty and Homelessness - Title I, ESEA
Title I funding is used primarily to support equity and academic achievement among students in schools wherein a high percentage of students are challenged to overcome the effects of poverty to achieve consistently high levels of academic success. Title I funding in Tyler County is allocated to our elementary schools as the percentage of students in poverty is highest at the elementary school level; however, there are special provisions that allow Title I funding to support all students in the county such as support for students who are or become homeless during the school year.
The greatest portion of Title I funding allocated to Tyler County provides funding that is used to employ four (4) additional teachers who are specifically charged to assist in early identification and intervention for students who are overcoming barriers to successful achievement in reading and mathematics. Both Arthur I. Boreman Elementary School and Sistersville Elementary School operate a school-wide model of participation that permits all children in the school to benefit from funds allocated through Title I, Part A and Part D.
English as a Second Language - Title III, ESEA
Although Tyler County does not receive Federal funds to support Title III activities, services to students whose primary language is not English are provided under the provisions of Title III of the Elementary and Secondary Schools Act, or ESEA. Funding is not provided from the Federal government because the incidence of students requiring such services in Tyler County is considered to be low in frequency.
Funding for Rural and Low Income Schools - Title VI, ESEA
Federal funds provided to Tyler County under Title VI of the Elementary and Secondary Schools Act (ESEA) are also known as Rural and Low Income Schools (RLIS) funds. Like other federal programs, funds from Title VI can be used with funds from other federal programs and local district funding to achieve specific goals listed in the county's strategic plan.
Title VI funds allocated to Tyler County are combined with local district funding to provide a Supplemental Math Teacher at Tyler Consolidated Middle School to assist students needing additional time to master the curriculum.
McKinney-Vento Act - Assistance for Homeless Students
The McKinney-Vento Act assures that funds provided through the Federal Government through the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), are set aside to reserve resources to help students who are now, or become homeless during the school year. These funds are not restricted to assisting students at identified Title I schools, but rather can be used to assist any student at any level in any of the schools operated by Tyler County.
Students are often in need of assistance when they lose their home and their belongings in a fire or flood or some other natural disaster, or when family circumstances require them to reside with other family members under long- or short-term conditions.
In any event, assistance is available to those in need. You will find iniformation about whom to contact for assistance on this web page. Although we hope you and your loved ones never need this help, please share the information with those you know who may need assistance.